We are an engaging community that welcomes a chance to come together to worship and share meals, beverages and fellowship. These following events and activities are a hall mark of our community.And if you would like to help in any of the following events please contact the WWICS or the Knights Come join us!!
First Sunday Hospitality
The first weekend of each month brings our community together for wine and cheese after the 5:30 PM Saturday mass and for coffee and doughnuts after the Sunday Services. This coming together is a great way to meet new parishioners and to reconnect with those we have not seen in awhile. Several times a year we have a Pancake breakfast. Look for announcements in the bulletins. And if you would like to help please contact the WWICS or the Knights
Christmas Parish Dinner: . The entire parish is invited to a dinner in the Finn Family Life Center. We celebrate the season with good food and festive music. For more information contact the office.
January Soup’s On:. This is the first WWICS meeting of the New Year and features wonderful soups, salads and desserts prepared by WWICS members. A highlight of the event is the lovely table settings designed by our talented membership. Annual dues, which are $25 and are voluntary, are collected at this meeting. Contact the office..
Mardi Gras Party: This dinner dance alternates each year with a Valentine-themed Party. Parishioners and members of the community are invited to this WWICS sponsored event to enjoy good music, good food and great fun before we usher in the Lenten Season. .
Friday Lenten Suppers: The Stations of the Cross on Lenten Fridays are an important part of our Catholic tradition. We are encouraged to attend the Stations of the Cross each Friday of Lent and join other parishioners and friends for a light supper afterwards in the Finn Family Life Center. For more information or if you would like to help please contact the office.
Spring Parish Volunteer Appreciation Dinner: All those from every parish organization, ministry and committee who have volunteered during the year will be recognized at this special dinner. For more information contact the office..