How do I register with the parish?
To register in our parish just come to the Parish office during business hours. From 9 to 12 noon are the best times to come Monday through Friday.
How do I contact the parish office?
What is required to have my child baptized?
Your family must be registered members of St. Paul the Apostle Church and attending Sunday Mass regularly for at least three months. The parents must attend a Baptism preparation class.. An initial information sheet will need to be completed before parents and godparents attend the class.
In cases where the parents are not members of the parish please consult with the pastor.
How do I reserve the Family Life Center for an event.
Our Family Life Center can be reserved for an event such as wedding reception or anniversary, birthday, etc. Rental costs and use information can be obtained from Pam Wenzel at 214-263-4423.
How do I register my children for religious education?
Calll the office...
I am planning to get married. Where do we start?
For those preparing for marriage at St. Paul the Apostle, we ask that you be a registered member of our parish who has been attending Sunday Mass regularly for at least three months. Please visit our webpage concerning Matrimony. If you are not a member of the parish see our webpage and contact the pastor.
How can I have Masses said for friends, family or deceased loved ones?
Contact the parish office either in person or by calling 830-598-8342. A donation is requested and, in accordance with Church Law, only one intention per Mass is permitted. You will also be given a Mass intentions card that gives a place for you to write in the name of the person and the day the Mass is being offered.
How do I arrange Communion for someone who is sick or homebound?
Contact the church office to arrange for an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to visit the person and bring them Communion.
Whom do I contact if I or a family member is sick or in the hospital?
Call the parish office, or if it is outside of office hours, (Office Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), or call the pastor 830-613-4746 . Depending upon the needs, our pastor or deacon will arrange a visit. The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is available to anyone who meets the criteria. Also, please visit our webpage concerning the sacrament Annointing of the Sick.
How do I make an appointment to meet with the pastor or deacon?
Please call the parish office 830-598-8342.
How do I submit something to be published in the Bulletin?
Please provide a written copy of the requested announcement to the parish office by Wednesday before you want the announcement published in the bulletin.
I or someone I know is interested in becoming a Catholic. To whom may I speak to for more information?
Contact the parish office 830-598-8342. You will be contacted and provided more information about the Catholic Church and our process for welcoming new Catholics into the Church and parish. The Catholic Church has established the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) as the process for forming and incorporating new members.
How can I get involved in a ministry or program?
Please visit our webpages, Ministries or Organizations, to learn about the many ministries, organizations and volunteer opportunities offered in our parish. The webpage provides contact information on whom to contact to receive more information and to join. You may also contact the parish office, give her a brief description of your interests, and then she will connect you with the correct person. Our Sunday bulletin is a good source for ministry and volunteer opportunities.
What are your Mass times?
See Mass times
How can I get a copy of my child’s baptismal certificate?
If your child was baptized at St Paul the Apostle Church contact the parish office 830-598-8342..Office Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.